It's funny, i've always been a graphics-ish programmer. I don't mean hardcore rendering programmer or any of that madness, but i've always been motivated to code by graphics. Back in high school, the first thing I dove into while learning C was the BGI, mainly so I could learn how to code graphics for demos (never mind that everyone was writing demos in assembly, which i was also learning so i could...yeah, write graphics routines). I can only imagine where I'd be nowadays if I'd had things like openframeworks to tinker with. Of course, we did have GLUT back in my day, which i did spend a fair amount of time mucking about with. Cool how somethings just stand the test of time.
Taking the plunge into video capture with openframeworks tonight, whipped up another quick, bitcrushesque-type vis. Took some cues from some of the processing vidcap samples i've been doing, some ideas just keep working:
/* testApp.h */ #pragma once #include "ofMain.h" class testApp : public ofBaseApp{ public: void setup(); void update(); void draw(); ofVideoGrabber grabber; unsigned char* gPixels; ofImage img; }; /* testApp.cpp */ #include "testApp.h" void testApp::setup() { grabber = ofVideoGrabber(); grabber.setVerbose(true); grabber.initGrabber(640,480,true); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); } void testApp::update() { grabber.update(); } void testApp::draw() { ofBackground(0,0,0); gPixels = grabber.getPixels(); for(int x=0;x<64;x++) { int xStep = x*10; for(int y=0;y<48;y++) { int yStep = y*10; int i = (yStep)*640*3+xStep*3; ofSetColor(gPixels[i],gPixels[i+1],gPixels[i+2],128); ofRectMode(OF_RECTMODE_CENTER); ofNoFill(); ofRect(xStep,yStep,10,10); ofSetColor(gPixels[i],gPixels[i+1],gPixels[i+2],255); ofFill(); ofCircle(xStep,yStep,3); } } }
That is cool looking.
ReplyDeleteThanks man! More to come hopefully...